FAQ - Lighting Design Services
What does an architectural lighting designer bring to my project?An architectural lighting designer's job is to integrate the lighting into the architecture and gardens by selecting lighting fixtures that create a well lit environment, enhance the architecture, comply with codes, and bring the project in on time and on budget.
When do I hire a lighting designer?From the beginning of your project, the lighting designer will work to integrate the lighting into the architecture so that it is intentional and beautiful, avoiding rushed or costly decisions near the end of the project.
Do you need to see my project at night?
No, we know what dark looks like, we do not need to see your building at night unless it is an exterior lighting project where light contributions from neighbors or street lighting may be a factor. Seeing your interiors in the daytime is best for determining fixture locations and wiring options. My job is to design the illumination for your spaces, for most projects this is done when the building is being designed and has not been built yet. Samples and mock ups are available when needed.
What are the benefits?
A lighting designer will use light and shadow to enhance the architecture; anticipating lighting effects, resulting in beautifully lit spaces. Plan ahead to avoid costly mistakes, reduce energy consumption, comply with prevailing codes, and finish your project on time and on budget.
SERVICES Lighting poster, created for Architectural Board of Review approval, shows outdoor lighting for Chapala Lofts mixed-use project, by Trish Odenthal Lighting Design.
What will I receive?
Lighting designers create lighting plans keyed to fixture lists that include light fixtures, sources, and controls. These documents assist architects and contractors with code compliance, permitting, and soliciting bids. Additional services include renderings and posters to illustrate Lighting Design for Architectural Board of Review (ABR), Historic Landmarks Committee (HLC), Design Review Board (DRB).
We recommend these contractors and architects.
We do not sell nor install lighting equipment. Here is list of design professionals with whom we have successfully worked in the past. Contractors of Santa Barbara